Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Concert 7 - One we will remember !

This was another GREAT year for Christmas in Warren County. As director I don't know where to begin - and I will be making additional posts this time to celebrate some of our fantastic ensembles!
We had some new faces which were outstanding: The Natalie Woodrow Studio Flute Ensemble ( photo), The Kings Sax Quartet ( more on them later on) , The Lebanon Presbyterian Church Bell Choir, and the Little Miami Select Mixed Choir.
Returning with us were The North Cincinnati Youth Orchestra, The St. Francis de Sales Parish Children's Choir and Heritage Music and Friends Ensemble. Once again the county was well represented. We also have a new assistant director this year,
Ida ( prounuce that EE-DA) Shook.Ida is active in the music program at St. Francis de Sales Parish.

Meet Natalie Woodrow: Natalie is an accomplished flutist who has played a number of venues ( I heard her at the Mason Arts Festival) and with a lot of prestigious local groups. She is currently a private flute teacher and has her own student ensemble who performs.The Woodrow students come from the Mason, Liberty Township and West Chester areas.Natalie also directs a Youth Choir with the Mason United Methodist Church.

Again year 7 was a year to remember ! Soon we will be thinking about year 8-- time flies !!