Monday, April 16, 2012

CWCC: Moving to Mason Dec. 2012

There is always some exciting news happening with the Christmas in Warren County Concerts and this year is no exception! For several years we have been asked about possibly having the concert in the Mason area by a number of our performers who live in southern Warren County. The concert this year will be on Dec.2, 2012 , 7 p.m. at the Mason United Methodist Church, 6315 So. Mason Montgomery Rd. , Mason,Ohio 45040. MUNC has a recently remodeled sanctuary and has wonderful facilities for both performers and audience.
This is the first United Methodist church to host the CWCC concert and in the spirit of our ecumenical and community vision we are totally delighted to be hosted by this congregation. DO save the date now and plan to be with us this our 8th year ! PHOTO: Mason United Methodist Church