Friday, September 5, 2008

History of Christmas in Warren County Community Concert

Welcome ! To Christmas in Warren County: A Community Concert.
This blog is an attempt to connect... our musical community-- the participants and the audience together
in Warren County ,Ohio.This totally volunteer, not for profit event has been happening officially
since 2005.Like European music festivals it is made up of local musical groups from the community as well as church choirs, quartets, children's choirs etc. gathering to play for each other and our neighbors and friends. It has been totally free and open to the public.
First a bit of history:
..In 2005, Cheri Brinkman who had directed and participated in" Christmas in Loveland At the Historical Museum Concerts" for 14 years decided to attempt a bigger venue.As a member of Heritage Music and Friends-photo-and other professional music organizations,Cheri is an experienced musician and director.
Above photo shows HMF before performing at the Benjamin and Marion Schuster Center Gala in 2003.
L to R: Cheri, Christopher Keeshan,Jerry Keeshan,Catherine Estill.Missing: Linda Bergholz,Rex Cochran.
Chatting with retired Princeton School Supt.Don Gaenge, the community concert concept for Warren County was born.
The first concert entitled "Christmas in Hamilton Township: A Community Concert" in 2005.
This concert held at Grace Community Presbyterian Church, a small local church in Maineville,
Ohio was moderately successful and led to producing a 2nd "Christmas in Hamilton Township Concert"
in 2006. By 2007 the concert had grown to "Christmas in Warren County" with 2 concerts and bursting at the seams with both performers and major parking issues it was time to move the concert to
a bigger venue and the county seat. On December 7, 2008 the concert will be in it's new home:
Lebanon Presbyterian Church in Lebanon,Ohio at 7 p.m. This new larger sanctuary hall will provide the
additional seating plus in the city of Lebanon there is limitless and close parking available.

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